Tools: SKF SimPro Expert, SKF SimPro Quick
Versions: 4.7
License: Basic
Visible to: Everyone
The following models will demonstrate and explain, for which input options the bearing reaction forces are not expected, and when reaction forces can be expected.
A detailed explanation can be found in the report of the corresponding model.
- Option 1: pure torque applied with moment boundary (moment around Z axis)
- Option 2: pure torque modelled with 2 forces
- Option 3: torque applied with force at an offset
- Option 4: torque applied with a (spur) gear with a gearforce
- Option 5: torque applied on a input shaft of a gearbox (2 shafts connected with a gear set) (only SimPro Expert)
SimPro Expert models:
- DGBB-CRB - torque on shaft - different options.spe
SimPro Quick models:
- DGBB-CRB - torque on shaft 1 - with moment boundary.spq
- DGBB-CRB - torque on shaft 2 - moment applied with 2 forces.spq
- DGBB-CRB - torque on shaft 3 - moment applied with 1 force.spq
- DGBB-CRB - torque on shaft 4 - gear with gearforce.spq
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