Tools: SKF SimPro Expert, SKF SimPro Quick
Versions: 4.7
License: Basic
Visible to: Everyone
In the attached models, a radial force in X direction and an axial load in Z direction are applied on the shaft.
The radial clearance of the DGBB and CRB are varied from zero to C4 clearance.
The models will demonstrate and explain the effect of the radial clearance of the bearings on the resulting advanced bearing rating life.
A detailed explanation can be found in the report of the corresponding model.
- Shaft with a DGBB (locating) and a CRB
- Radial and axial load
- Clearance varied from zero to C4
A change in the (operating) clearance will influence the the internal load distribution inside the bearing (rolling element loads, loaded zone, contact pressure, ...) but can also influence the load distribution between the bearings in a shaft system. This will have an influence on the advanced life methods.
SimPro Expert models:
- DGBB-CRB - clearance study.spe
SimPro Quick models:
- DGBB-CRB - clearance study - zero and C4.spq
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